Hello Empowered Ones,

I have an incredibly exciting blog post for you all: it is sub box review time! The Lancashire Witch is the only shop of its kind, not only in Lancashire but in the UK. So to get my hands on one of their sub boxes this month and have the privilege to review one, is very exciting indeed! So, without further ado, let’s stop nattering and let’s get going!


The Lancashire Witch brings out a themed box each and every month. Their prices begin at £35 for the box only for UK Customers and £50 for International Customers. However, you are given the option to upgrade your subscription to £45 or £60 a month (for UK customers or International Customers respectively) to include a membership to their online coven hosted on Facebook, where you gain access to a wealth of information, workshops and coffee catch ups. The boxes are in line with the monthly theme in the online coven.


April’s theme this month was Everyday Magic. I am lucky enough to be a part of the online coven as well as a proud owner of the monthly boxes, which focused all on how we can bring the magic into our everyday lives – certainly up my street! As you will see below, the products were all based on ways to boost and amplify you every day life, magic and spellwork. I already have plans to use some of these products alongside my own affirmational work and items to give a little bonus empowering layer when I need it!


When they say that you get more than your money’s worth, they weren’t kidding! Inside the box, I found a vast array of items… and the smell! Absolutely divine!

This month, subbers received:

  • Every Day is a Fresh Start Tea
  • Spellbooster Salt
  • Practical Magic Working Rice
  • Spellbooster Incense
  • Practical Magic Oil
  • Every Day is a Fresh Start Aura Spray
  • Every Day is a Fresh Start Floor Wash
  • 3 Herbs: Cloves, Lemon, Rosemary
  • 1 Candle
  • 1 Vial

WOW! This is one of those month’s where I don’t know where to begin! The limited edition names/recipes are divine and are incredibly relatable to everyone and anyone. We all need a restart and refresh every now and again, which these items are perfect for. Upon opening these items, I knew instantly what they needed to be used for – that’s a good sign of a good box!

What a selection of herbs! I am a little biased here as luckily, two of my favourite herbs (Clove and Rosemary) were in this box, so it goes without saying that I am in love with this month’s selection!

The tea…. My oh my… The smell, the taste, the look! Everything about this tea was heaven and when combined with my morning affirmational work, makes a wonderful empowering morning ritual.

The incense and oil are also going to make brilliant additions to my magical working cupboard. I have always been a big fan, lover and supporter of The Lancashire Witch’s Practical Magic range as it is such a versatile range. So to have this combined with the spellboosting incense means that even in a pinch, I can manifest and affirm anything I want to.

And with that, we come to my favourite item of the box *drum roll please*. The Practical Magic Working Rice. If anyone knows me, this may come as a shock because everyone and their pet giraffe knows that I am an Aura Spray and Oil girl through and through. However, this rice was not only made to an exceptional quality, but was an item that I actually needed. How they knew I needed a new rice for my affirmational rice bowl, I will never know, yet here we are. As you know, Practical Magic is one my most favourite ranges, and to have it in rice form, which is all about abundance and bringing in the good, alongside my own work, is just ideal. Thank you!

How I Use The Products

Due to the nature of this month’s theme, I know that a lot of these products will be used either on a daily basis, or when I feel a spellboost is needed. Therefore, it isn’t a box that has been designed for just one ritual or journaling session, which pleases me greatly as I love products that can be used time and time again – something that The Lancashire Witch does incredibly well.

The Aura Spray this month is going to be used daily alongside my I Am Empowered Affirmation Atomsier. The Aura Spray from The Lancashire Witch will act as a magical cleanser and booster for my own affirmational work, a match made in heaven.

I will be used the candle and oil together once I have added to and recharged my affirmational rice bowl, where I will also add a little of this salt mix too to cleanse away any negativity surrounding.

The Floor Wash (although is called Every Day is a Fresh Start), I will probably use on a weekly or fortnightly basis, to take out the old and bring in the new! I always have great intentions to use my floor washes more often, however with a toddler running around, cleaning my threshholds every day can be a little challenging 😉


A big thank you to The Lancashire Witch for this month’s sub box! I cannot wait to really get stuck into this box and use these items alongside my own, as well as with other sub boxes in the future! I am already waiting with anticipation for May’s Box (another blog post will be coming out shortly!).

To get your own sub box or to join the online coven, you can subscribe here! Or why not follow The Lancashire Witch on Instagram and Facebook.

Lots of love and magic,

Amy x

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